

Users can contribute to a project using their ETH.

Contract (Polygon Mumbai)
  • User can create a campaign.
  • Multiple funders can fund the campaign.
  • Owner can withdraw the amount.


The Crowdfunding app is tailored for the Ethereum blockchain. Through meticulous design and implementation, the smart contract, fashioned with Foundry and Solidity, has undergone thorough testing, including unit tests and integration tests, ensuring its robustness and reliability. The deployment onto the Polygon Mumbai Chain, facilitated by Thirdweb deploy, enhances scalability and transaction cost efficiency, culminating in a secure and streamlined crowdfunding platform.

The core functionality of the smart contract revolves around users' ability to create new campaigns securely. Utilizing the decentralized nature of blockchain, multiple funders can then contribute to these campaigns, ensuring transparency and trust in the fundraising process. The smart contract's robust design enables funders to securely deposit funds, and upon reaching the campaign goal, the owner can withdraw the accumulated amount, streamlining the entire crowdfunding cycle on a decentralized platform.

To enhance user interaction and accessibility, I've complemented the backend with a well-crafted front-end app. Developed using Next Js, TypeScript, and Tailwind, this interface facilitates seamless communication with the smart contracts. The front-end ensures a smooth experience for both campaign creators and funders, offering a visually appealing and intuitive platform that aligns with the decentralized ethos of the crowdfunding app. Together, the smart contract and front-end create a comprehensive and secure crowdfunding ecosystem on the Ethereum blockchain.